Redesigning Rewards: Challenges & Badges for User Growth

Redesigning Rewards: Challenges & Badges for User Growth

Redesigning Rewards: Challenges & Badges for User Growth
















WeightWatchers International

WeightWatchers International

WeightWatchers International


  • Over 2 million Challenge sign-ups in the first 8 weeks, boosting tracking behavior by 16%.

  • Potential savings of $8.2 million annually by reducing reliance on costly rewards programs.

  • A/B testing revealed a 9.3% increase in weekend tracking and a 12% decrease in cancellations.

  • Achieved 1.5 million Challenge opt-ins within 7 weeks of launch; 12% completion rate and 22% re-engagement rate.


At WeightWatchers (WW), I led the design of the Challenges & Badges experience—a project aimed at motivating members and enhancing accountability without relying on real-world currency. This initiative resulted in over 2 million sign-ups within the first eight weeks and increased tracking behaviors by 16%.


We faced three significant hurdles:

1. Providing Accountability and Motivation

Members were independently creating challenges on Connect (WW’s in-app social platform), social media, and in Studios. This signaled a clear demand for an integrated in-app solution to keep them engaged and motivated.

2. Revamping an Ineffective Badging System

The existing badging system was unreliable and buried four clicks deep in the app. Members received badges inconsistently and didn't feel recognized, leading to low engagement.

3. Reducing High Costs of the Rewards Program

The WellnessWins rewards program was costing WW $8.2 million annually but still received negative feedback regarding redeemable rewards. We needed a cost-effective alternative that delighted users.

Crafting the Solution

To tackle these challenges, I spearheaded a cross-functional team involving Design, Data Science, Project Management, Behavioral Science, and the Loyalty Program Manager.

Identifying Barriers and Opportunities

We mapped out desired behaviors and pinpointed obstacles like decision paralysis and the "what-the-hell effect." Understanding these barriers helped us design features that genuinely addressed member needs.

Envisioning a Gamification Ecosystem

We conceptualized a gamification system comprising challenges, celebrations, and rewards. This ecosystem aimed to tap into core behavior motivators and create a cohesive user experience.

Rapid Prototyping and Testing

Despite technical constraints—automatic opt-ins, short tracking windows, and random challenge assignments—we conducted A/B tests to gather data quickly.

A/B Test Results:

  • 9.3% increase in weekend tracking.

  • 12% decrease in cancellations.

These insights validated our approach and guided further refinements.

Delivering Results

We refined our strategy to focus on three food-tracking challenges for our Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

  1. The Weekend Challenge: Track all meals on Saturday and Sunday.

  2. The Good Week Challenge: Track at least one item daily.

  3. The Perfect Week Challenge: Track all meals for an entire week.

Key Design Enhancements

  • Sticky Join CTA: Kept the "Start" button always visible to encourage participation.

  • Flexible Opt-In Options: Allowed members to choose their start week and enabled pre- and back-tracking.

  • Engaging Visuals: Developed high-fidelity badge designs with vibrant colors and personalities.

  • Push Notifications: Implemented a strategic plan to draw members back into the app at critical moments.

Collaboration and Alignment

I collaborated with other teams to align the Challenges feature with concurrent projects like Coach Lives, ensuring a unified experience and scalable components added to our Design System.

Impact on Users and the Company

User Engagement:

  • 1.5 million Challenge opt-ins in the first 7 weeks.

  • 12% of participants successfully completed a challenge.

  • 22% continued to engage with additional challenges.

These figures demonstrated a significant boost in member engagement and consistent tracking—a key factor in successful weight management.

Financial Impact:

By introducing non-monetary rewards through Challenges and Badges, we provided a cost-effective alternative to the expensive WellnessWins program, potentially saving WW up to $8.2 million annually. The increased engagement and reduced cancellations positively affected revenue retention.


First Impressions Matter

Launching a well-thought-out MVP set a positive tone for member engagement and provided valuable early feedback.

Embrace Constraints

Technical limitations pushed us to be creative, leading to innovative solutions that might not have emerged otherwise.

Cross-Team Collaboration is Key

Working closely with various departments enhanced the project's impact and ensured a cohesive user experience across the app.

By focusing on user needs and leveraging data-driven insights, we transformed a set of challenges into an opportunity for growth—both for our members and the company.

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